Church Staff

Pastor Karis Hagen

Pastor Karis has been serving St Peter Lutheran Church of Red Cross as our called pastor since February 4, 2018, and was ordained January 21, 2018.

She earned her Master of Divinity after graduating from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and served six years as a Chaplain Candidate in the Minnesota Army National Guard, with internships in south Minneapolis and Britton, South Dakota. Prior to that she completed her B.A. in History at Bethel University in St Paul Minnesota in 2003, and worked in various fields including camping, factory work, and loading aircraft.

Her background in ministry began overseas, growing up in Nepal as the child of missionaries. Her experiences learning about life and faith in that context inform her ministry and interest in both prayer and missions. 

Her calling is to share the good news of Jesus Christ through actions, words, prayer, sacrament, and song. Music and singing are favorite pastimes. 

Contact: Text or call (651) 246 2319

Sermons are recorded and livestreamed on YouTube channel Ziranphel 

Administrative Assistant: Aaron Ruohoniemi

Church Phone: 570-920-6083


Find us on Facebook @stpeterredcross